

Unleashing Hidden Power of Networks

Customized Solution

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that are in line with the needs of our customers.

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top 아이콘


Customization /
Automation service

We provide data analysis solution development and supply services that are optimized
for customer requirements,
such as graph or network data analysis solution operating environment,
analysis purpose, and utilization of analytical results.

Customer-customized solution development
and supply service

content 1번 아이콘

Knowledge Analysis

Development and supply of knowledge data-based research and technology trend analysis solutions

content 2번 아이콘

Fraud Detection

Development and supply of insurance fraud and financial fraud analysis solutions

content 3번 아이콘

Criminal Intelligence

Development and supply of criminal activity record analysis solution

content 4번 아이콘

Social Data Analysis

Development and supply of social media data collection analysis related solutions

content 5번 아이콘

HR Analytics

Development and supply of communication and collaboration diagnosis solutions within the organization

content 6번 아이콘

Customer Analysis

Development and supply of social marketing analysis and customer community extraction solutions

content 7번 아이콘

Text Analysis

Development and supply of text analysis solutions

content 8번 아이콘

Diffusion Analysis

Development and supply of diffusion network analysis solution

content 9번 아이콘


Development and supply of solutions and services based on the graph and network data analysis


Service Process

process 이미지
process 1번 아이콘
Phase 1

Strategy consulting based on the social big data analysis

Investigation of current status of data subject to analysis

Review of the direction of utilizing the analysis data

Proposal of data utilization model

Presentation of expected results of data analysis

process 2번 아이콘
Phase 2

System structure and detailed functional design

Data collection layer design

Data analysis layer design

Visualization and user screen design

process 3번 아이콘
Phase 3

System development

Development of graph DB and analysis system

Development of data collection analysis visualization function

Analysis system and user function development

System integration and operational testing

process 4번 아이콘
Phase 4

Maintenance and repairs service

Activities to improve the quality of analysis results through the optimization of analysis algorithms, etc.

Performance and function improvement activities for advanced analysis service

Recommended Resources

resource 1번 이미지

Knowledge Analysis

Analysis of Domestic and International Security Technology Trends (2022)

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